Signing up for a new credit card can help you earn substantial rewards, provided you meet the minimum spending requirement within a set period of time. But, once you’ve earned the sign-up bonus, how do you continue earning rewards? Here are a few tips:
Use the Right Card for Your Purchases
If you have multiple cards, it’s important to swipe the right card based on the type of purchase you make. For instance, some credit cards may offer you points or cashback for dining out, while others may offer your points for purchasing groceries.
Use Your Credit Card More Often
Simply using your credit card more often will make it easier for you to earn more rewards. While you may already be using your card when you shop or eat, you should check if there are any other additional expenses that you can charge to your credit card. For example, make sure to check if you can pay for your child’s daycare expenses or pay your utility bills with your credit card.
Refer Your Friends and Family
Most credit card providers offer customers a significant referral bonus, usually ranging between 5,000 and 10,000 points or miles if they recommend the card to someone they know. Keep in mind that to earn the referral bonus, the person you refer may need to open an account with the bank or credit union and usually use the credit card for a particular length of time, and may even have to spend a certain amount.
Add an Authorized User
If your credit card provider gives you the option of adding a user to your account for free, this is a great way to increase your chances of earning more rewards. Just ensure that you add someone who is trustworthy.
Use Chase and Amex Offers
Credit card providers like Chase and American Express usually have additional offers that let you earn points, rewards, or cashback when you make specific purchases. However, to qualify for such offers, you’ll likely have to log into your account and add particular offers to your card before making the purchase.
While these are some great options to earn additional rewards on your existing credit cards, keep in mind that you can always sign up for free loyalty programs and earn attractive rewards without using your credit card.