Just like you take care of your electronics, appliances, and gadgets, you need to maintain your hearing aids too. They are susceptible to damage and require proper care and maintenance. If you’re looking for tips to care for your hearing aids, we’ve compiled a list for you below:
Handle with Care
The first step towards caring for your hearing aids is to handle them with utmost care. This ensures a long life and consistent quality. Hold them securely to avoid dropping them. When you’re cleaning them or changing batteries, make sure to put them down on a soft cloth.
Wash Your Hands Before Use
It’s important to clean your hands before you lay them on the hearing aids. This helps get rid of any bacteria that you may have contracted, and stops it from spreading. Remember to dry your hands after washing them. Any moisture transferred from your hands to the device can also cause damage.
Store the Device in A Dry and Cool Place
When not in use, you need to store the hearing aids in a place where they may not come into contact with any kind of moisture or direct sunlight. Exposure to heat or sunlight can damage the batteries and moisture can cause liquid damage. It’s important to keep them away from children as well.
Turn Off when Not in Use
Keeping your hearing aids switched on all the time may end up draining the battery. Hence, when not in use, remember to switch it off.
Regularly Clean Earwax or Dirt
Hearing aids come in contact with earwax and it’s important to periodically replace or clean the wax filter or wax guard on your hearing aids. The filter prevents the wax from reaching and damaging the internal components of the device. Any dirt accumulated on the device also needs to be cleaned.
Schedule Routine Cleanings
Let the professionals do a routine checkup of your hearing device. You should schedule this appointment every 4-6 months or immediately schedule a meet if you find anything suspicious.
Regularly Change Batteries
Batteries are an important component of hearing aids. If not replaced regularly, they can cause moisture to trap and corrode the device. Don’t forget to clean the battery compartment with a clean soft cotton swab. If the batteries or surrounding areas are dirty, it can result in a poor connection.