Luxury Cars Deserve a Luxurious Life
You’ve bought the car of your dreams. It’s powerful, turns heads on the street, and it’s acres of leather envelop you in incredible comfort. There’s more tech in it than there was in the rocket that went to the moon.…
Car Vs. Crossover: What Should You Buy?
If the price and space are the same, what would you do? The trends are clear. The sedan, a once standard choice of the people, has now been left far behind by the crossover. In 2007, sedans accounted for about…
Identity Crisis: How Do You Decide Whether a Car Is a Truck?
At one time, vehicles like the Toyota Rav4, Ford Escape, and Honda CR-V were referred to as station wagons. Today, they’ve been given the cooler sounding ‘crossover’ category name. These vehicles are a mix of an SUV and a car.…
10 SUV Care Tips
Follow these tips to give your SUV the right kind of care Budget An SUV isn’t exactly an economy vehicle, and if it needs repairs, it’s likely to cost you a bit. That’s why you should set aside some money…