What To Look Out for in a Medicare Advantage Plan
You would definitely compare prices for the best deal on a washing machine or a new alarm system, yet studies show that American seniors rarely make getting good healthcare a priority. The best time to research good health care plans…
What To Expect From Your Medicare Wellness Visit
When you apply for Medicare, you are entitled to a wellness visit, where you and your doctor come up with a personal plan that prevents serious illnesses and ensures your physical and mental wellbeing. It may sound like the routine…
How a GPS Medical Alert System Works
If you’re a senior who lives alone and doesn’t have family close by, it makes sense to invest in a GPS Medical Alert system.  This is a streamlined system, designed to deal with a medical emergency at any time of…
Five Great Things To Do Now That You’ve Retired
Retirement doesn’t have to be a time to hang up your hat and put yourself on the shelf. Many recent retirees make the most of their golden years by pursuing interests or hobbies that they love. If you are in…
Four Tips on Travelling With a Senior Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease
It’s not easy caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease so perhaps the last thing on your mind would be to take a vacation with them. You might worry about your loved ones feeling confused or agitated in her/his…
How To Finalize Assisted Living Options in a Hurry
Assisted living for a loved one is not a decision you take lightly. There are so many options available and so much to consider. However, not everyone has the luxury of time to find the best option. If your loved…
Four Ways To Finance Senior Living
When it comes to finding assisted care for your loved ones, you naturally want a comfortable place where they will be happy and busy. Senior Living communities today offer a range of services and support systems and are equipped to…