While smart home gadgets like security cameras, smart TVs, gaming consoles, smart locks, and smart thermostats may make life a lot more convenient, you should remember that they present a potential security risk if you don’t take the necessary precautions. To this end, here are certain things you can do to ensure the security of your smart home.
- Name your router: Changing the name of your router to something that is unusual and not easily identifiable can make it more secure. Ensure that the router’s name doesn’t give away information that can help a hacker personally identify you or where you reside.
- Use a strong password: Cybercriminals are likely to be able to guess the passwords that most IoT devices come with. So, any time you purchase a new device, make sure to change the password immediately. Ensure that you use a unique password that is a combination of several alphabets, letters, and characters to make it hard to guess. If your password is something that can be guessed easily, your devices can be easily hacked into as well.
- Setting up a guest network: While you guests may not necessarily pose a security threat, it is best to have a separate network that is not connected to your IoT devices for your guests to connect to.
- Utilize the two-step verification process: If your smart home device offers a two-step verification option, it’s best to implement this since it can make it harder for potential attackers to hack into your device.
- Check your connected devices: You can check the admin interface of your router to know what devices are connected to your network. If you notice any unusual names on your network, make sure to immediately change the network password or delete the device’s access. You can go one step further and rename all known connected devices with unique names, so it is easily identifiable to you.
- Unplug smart home devices when not in use: If you are leaving your home for an extended time, make sure to unplug your smart home devices. This will save you money on your bills and make your IoT devices inaccessible to attackers.
While securing your IoT devices may seem unnecessary, you never know when a hacker may target your home. So, make sure to keep your smart home devices up to date and protected against possible cybercrimes.